When my children were younger, other moms would ask me, “How do you get your children to eat their veggies?” And I would simply reply, “I just give it to them!” Their response was always one of total amazement and then I would explain that, not only do I feed them veggies, but they also see me eating the same veggies.

Even if it’s something that I don’t enjoy but is good for me… like broccoli for example, I still eat it. It is very important to me to be a great example to my children!

Proverbs 22:6 tells us, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” The training we give our children, applies to everything in our lives…how we live, what we say, what we do, how we dress and how we treat others! We have to ask ourselves, what do our children see when they look at us? Are we showing them how to live a life according to the Word of God or according to the world?

I think about the children of Israel in Judges 2:10,
“…and there arose another generation after them, which did not know the Lord…” How did this happen? Did the adults around them not show them how to properly eat their veggies? We are the first examples our children see and if we are not living a life that is pleasing to God, then they too can grow up and not know the Lord…or how to eat their veggies!

Bible references: King James Version

by: Sister Tracey Washington, Church School Ministry