Brothers during our Family and Friends Day Real Talk, we were encouraged by our Health and Fitness Ministry Leader to take care of our body as we develop into aged men. The truth is every day that goes by we age. Therefore, we must eat right and regularly exercise our body so that God can use it in the earth for His glory.

Our families are depending on us to be here so we can raise our children, and to also influence their children as we provide them guidance through life. Others outside our natural family need us to provide our share so that we all are strengthened, so that none suffers lack. Our mental state can even be affected by our lack of proper diet and proper rest.

Life is tough enough with all that we take on and deal with. Let us be equipped, prepared physically and mentally to deal with them all by eating right, exercising regularly, and getting sufficient rest.

Genesis 2:15 says, “And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it.”   

God has given us our body to be good stewards of it. It belongs to Him for us to carry out His purpose, plan, and assignment in the earth. God wants us to dress and keep it, tend to our body in a particular way. Feed it properly. Protect it diligently with regular exercise and medical checkups.

Keep it from sin. Sin will kill the body naturally and spiritually. Remember we are God’s masterpieces created for His purpose!


by: Brother Malcolm Washington